Friday, August 31, 2012

Happy 55th Birthday to my country, Malaysia

Today is MALAYSIA 55th Birthday/ 31-8-2012
Also known as National day, Hari Kemerdekaan!

This is my primary 4 student's product!
SHe just so talent right! She won the 1st prize for Primary 4 category!
Alright, Just heard students sang 1 Malaysia song yesterday!
Just found that, the song is kinda nice!
The song express in soft way rather than usual one the "semangat" or aggressive way
Especially the "oooo~~~" that part!
Students sing till so nice~ HAha..okay they really Cute!
Here come with the Satu Malaysia Video:

Read though the comments on youtube
i found this is Funny!
The whole MV is nice, like it very much. But, who the hell came up with the idea of putting up the last picture?

HOW you think about it? 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

病猫 Vs 哈司奇( HUSKY)


近况: 打工去了

哈司奇Siberian Husky
长大后的哈司奇会偏高贵,高傲,很是“生人勿近” 的样子


此类名贵品种狗狗,要价3K 以上,咋舌吧?
所以,能摸能看,没办法抱回家 =D


=  文终 =

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Crazy Oppa Gangnam Style

If you asked me what's HOT now? I will say "oppa Gangnam Style"!
If you dunno what is that, you'll definitely OUT-dated. lol...
Or if you still singing "Wow, fantastic Baby! " , you should better change to gangnam style!

Meaning Of Oppa Gangnam Style:
Oppa actually refers to the elder brother of a female, while the Gangnam style is a Korean language which describe the luxurious lifestyle of Gangnam district, one of the area of Seoul, Korea.
"Oppa Gangnam style" may be translated as " I am loving gangnam style" or " I am gangnam style". 

The song is performed by Korean pop rapper, PSY. The dance in his MV is a horse-riding style dancing and it really amazingly attract me in such funny style and expressions. 

Although Psy is kinda fatty-chubby elder artist, he manage to dance actively in his own style, a big CLAP to him since he started up a new trend to entertain his audience! Salute and respect! =D
There are 2 version of its music videos : HYUNA version (Left) and PSY version (Right)
If listen to the song without MV, I will prefer Psy version.
However, i more interested in Hyuna's music video since the dancing is more complete and nice to watch.
They (dancers and singers) really dance well and nice there! I wanna learn too! lolol...
I feel like wanna dance like them when the music is on. yeah, oppa gangnam style!

R U Ready?
LET's go gangnam style! 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The secret of Beauty: Kinohimitsu & NH Colla-Plus

What i am going to share about in this post is as stated in the title above
The Beauty Drinks which work out to improve someone's skin to make it brighter and gorgeous!
The NH Colla-Plus (Left one)  and Kinohimitsu (Right one)!

First time get to know these kind of product is from my dear TIE Chui Ping, who very knowledgeable which this kind of things which related to skin care and make up stuffs. LOL.I think that happened years ago.
She tried the products first and told me that sometimes it works but sometimes don‘t.
During that time i never think to get it cause need to maintain only see the effect obviously.
But somehow as a poor student like me, have not much money to maintain for it.

Last month, I back my hometown from Kuching, my mom told me seriously like " WHY u become Darker? Where you go? U now Even almost same Dark with me"
(Usually I used to be fairer than my mom! =(  But now I feel like "really??? wtf...i must take some action! " )
The sad thing was, my aunt and my friend (Ling) also told me the same thing. Oh no...

Then in the meantime i went to watsons and saw the colla-plus is under promotion price, RM 148 (normal 167.70). So I give it a try. (Never do research before purchase it. LOL)
The funny thing is, my boss strike the TOTO the next week and asking me what i want. I dint think much and answered "collagen". LOL... so i bought the second one, Kinohimitsu
I never think to get these at this time since i still jobless. But...i need get back my original skin tone what!
Currently one day for colla-plus & one day for Kinohimitsu.. Hope they work on me!
And my boss said....they do work on me! Glad to hear that..=D
For me, it somehow work on me but not so obviously seen the effect lo!

Lets have a brief look on how the products improve our skin:
1) NH Colla-Plus
7 Beauty Effects included: 
  • Improves Elasticity- Strengthens and supports the skin structure to improve skin tone and elasticity
  • Hydrating - Enhances the moisture holding capacity of skin cells.
  • Anti-Ageing - Nourishes skin to prevent ageing and smoothen fine lines and winkles. ( I NEED THIS) 
  • Whitening - Whiten skins and brightens a dull complexion. ( I aim for this! )
  • Regenerating - Promotes tissues regeneration to heal injured skin and scars. ( Someone Introduced this to me before, for scars on my hand, my another purpose too! )
  • Stimulates Metabolism - Accelerates metabolism to rejuvenate the skin.
  • Revitalizing - Revitalize hair and nails with its complete range of amino acid.

2) KINOHIMITSUHow it works:
  • It immediately gives skin a UV-protection for up to 9 hours! ( Lazy bone like me, seldom apply sunblock, NEEDED)
  • It continuously breaks down melanin in the skin and inhibits the formation of new melanin.
  • It effectively repairs damaged cells, repels free radicals and restores skin's vitality and youth.

    My comments:
    Kinohimitsu is more focus on working to protect skin from harmful UV-rays which may cause the dullness of the skin while colla-plus tends to work overall for the skin like moisture, hydrating, whitening etc. And I super like the taste of NH Colla plus, so delicious one like drinking ribena.
    While for Kinohimitsu, it so sour to me, but i adapt with its taste!
    My new start. Hope to get fairer than my mom!  weird hope.............=S

End up my post with my pic with Kinohimitsu. =)
My just-wake-up face and a bottle of kinohimitsu start up my day. Drink before going for my outdoor activities!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


赢(Ying2), 看此字体的笔画,就知道;想要“赢”,非易事!

赢,有2 中方式:
1) 超越他,就是赢他

于是A,B同学努力筹捐款,三天过去了; A同学的筹款比B同学多10零吉
A同学洋洋得意,自以为领先了就不再向人索取筹款。B 同学一如往常的筹钱
第六天,A 同学发现B 同学的筹款多他15 零吉,于是他开始着急,
努力的向自己的亲朋戚友筹得捐款,直到他的筹款比B 同学多,他就暂停他的“努力”
最终,A同学 “赢了”。 他高兴得意着。

我觉得A 他是赢了。但是我不屑他的赢。

2) 为超越自己,而赢



输得漂亮未为输, 赢得不光彩未为赢!

Friday, August 17, 2012

BLood Test

This was my very first ever blood test in my life.
Never go draw blood or blood testing before.
That's why i never know my blood type. lol..
Last last week i grab the chance to follow my friend go for blood test.
I know i need to do so coz i "feel" that there must be some "health problems" on me.
 YES, I really "Kia Si " so i took the most expensive package.
Test for kidney, cancer, liver, serology, tumour, blablabla. Eveything included to be test!

Here is me after the blood drawing.
My comment is, the nurse is kind enough, and she draw my blood with not pain at all.
She actually wan draw blood from my left hand, then see the nerves so obvious so she change to right side.
Then She said " aiya, all your nerves so obvious one ah"
So, since both side so obvious, then she end up draw blood on my right hand.
From the pic can see, yeah, my "green nerves”all over my hand so obvious. LOL
She said, i always easily get bruises since the nerves so obvious. N i should say, she get it exactly correct!

Last week i get my blood test report.
It feel like getting examination results, kinda nervous actually.
Okay. Here is my report.

As what i guess, I got quite alots of ******* inside.
How many ******* here, mean i got that much of "stars"
When i was a child in old times, teacher give me * in exam i will very happy;
the more of the ** the happier i will be
BUT now, the ******* in the blood report mean " ALERT!"
Compared to my friend, i really super unhealthy already.
She got only one *. Waseh...=.=

Okay, another thing to be happy with is, i knew my blood type already
the definitely B, B suit me la.. i like. lol
Who wan find me donate blood shud be no a big deal for me..(but mine is unhealthy one) =D
After this i will take good care on my own especially eating habit.
Try avoid the bad & unhealthy food as well. U guys too ya!
Good Luck to me. Hope get some improvement in future.

#### Sharing my 1st blood test experience ####

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


伦敦奥运圆满落幕,善后检讨工作进行中,有者称,乒乓羽球将被逐出奥运会 !

  三:中国向世界输出了大量乒乓球运动员。这些原本中国国籍的选手,改变国籍,过一两年就会代表各个国家出现在世界大赛上,致使这项运动正在变成华人的游戏。据了解,以往在这项运动上曾积极对抗中国队的瑞典、丹麦等国家基本上放弃了抵抗,不再在这项运动和本国球员身上投入大量资金。长此以往,乒乓球非但不会加快普及,反倒在世界版图上的领地越来越小。  国际乒联的一位官员表示,现在不仅奥运会,就连世锦赛也变成了中国人自己的游戏。这已经引起了国际奥委会的关注,他们或许会讨论在2020年奥运会取消乒乓球项目。还有一种说法是,下届也就是2016年巴西奥运会先取消乒乓球男女团体,到2020年完全取消乒乓球项目。
男子单打冠亚军: 中国


我有话要说: 在全球吸引力影响力不大?这点我不赞同,应该说在欧洲国家才能这样形容吧?不要因为这样而将这项目从奥运中拿掉。的确,中国在乒乓运动项目一览独大,但是无敌是最寂寞。瑞典,丹麦等国都不应放弃抵抗,应持有奥运精神,继续努力,打破中国包揽乒乓项目的魔咒!没有谁是永远的赢家,也没有永远的输家,就看谁先拿出真本领了!当任何一个项目的所有冠军长时期内被一国独揽时,这和行业垄断没有什么区别。时间久了,那些陪你玩的人还会有兴致吗? 是的,比赛就是那么现实与残酷。即便说乒乓这行业呗中国垄断了,就给中国一个冠冕吧,乒乓之王国?







我有话要说: 倘若羽球奥运会取消的话,那真是冤枉,沦为陪葬品了!羽球虽被沦为是亚洲项目,但也不论忽视其重要性。毕竟羽球在各个国家仍有竞争性,未被某个国家垄断,所以说,取消不得!更何况,欧洲国家在此次羽球奥运中的地位仍是有很大威胁,就好比男双来自丹麦的摩根申和鲍伊就是很好的典范,未放弃抵抗而成为欧洲唯一的勇闯决赛国家。再说,以往的羽球盛事问鼎的都是中国,印尼,大马,丹麦。如今,似乎更多国家在羽球这一块逐渐闯出一片天,好比说韩国,印尼,泰国等。可以说是颇有竞争力的。有竞争方有进步。若要促使一项运动项目能蓬勃发展,就得给这些国家更多的机会去竞争。所以说:羽球逐出奥运未为理智明智的抉择。再说,对于此次中国包揽5 项目的金牌,我觉得这都是他们应得的。台上十分钟,台下十年工。这些金牌得主的心酸训练史不是我们这些旁人所能理解的。他们付出的汗水与泪水,努力不懈地争取成功,金牌可说是当之无愧。唯一我不能认同的是女双的判决,因打假球风波而被逐出比赛的球员们,真是可惜。倘若打假球事件没发生,我相信女双的竞争会更为精彩!金银铜牌会回归“真正” 的主人!

乒羽不应逐出奥运会,这显然对许多国家有着巨大的影响,还有许多辛辛苦苦的运动员们追逐的梦想将被随波逐流,辛苦的汗水既成枉费,请三思! =P

Sunday, August 12, 2012


这位我嚷着称呼的“嫲嫲" 并非我亲生的”婆婆”

我的外婆(阿嫲),她可是我1年/ 2年/ 特定节日方能见到的大人物之一

由于小时候常到表姐家玩,所以也跟着表姐叫“嫲嫲” 了。
热情的嫲嫲常常都会拿出他们家的kuih kuih, 包类,水果,香蕉招呼我们


表姐家里原订于八月11 (六)为公公庆祝八十大寿,酒席,请帖,全家福服装都拟定好



嫲嫲的离逝我感到很难过,但是人们终究逃离不了“生老病死” 的宿命。

盖棺礼拜和出 丧我都有参与。希望嫲嫲能安息主怀,一路好走。
这个龙年真不好。。=(  希望亲戚们不会悲伤太久。。期待明天明年更好!

Monday, August 6, 2012

2012 伦敦奥林匹克羽球男子单打决赛


男单决赛 之我见
又是一场王对王的对决。林丹VS 李宗伟。
4年前的北京奥运,李林齐齐报决赛。相较之下,林显然的以其快打的节奏与速度(21-12, 21-8)轻松取下李宗伟。李毫无招架之力之余更因东道主-中国甚多的观众的欢呼哗然喧闹下产生了压力,最终败阵在林丹拍下,仅居亚军。
4年后,两人再次在伦敦奥运温布利体育场的决赛圈重遇。互称老对手的二人,没有让全世界的球迷们失望,双双捷足登上决赛圈给球迷们最给力,最震撼,最顶级的世界级的较劲。与4年前不同的是,李此次很显然的做足应对的准备, 以最佳的心态状态来应付这场比赛。在其心态状态极佳的情况下,以 21-15 拿下第一局。这无疑给林丹一个下马威,林丹开始担心了,于是开始奋斗顽抗到底。于是超级丹回来了,将李宗伟以 21-10 拿下。两人进入最关键的第三局,历经激烈的对打,再陷入频频打平的胶着,实力相当的两人难分胜负,最终林丹以其精湛的球技改写历史,险胜的以仅2分之差拿下最后一局,成为首个卫冕奥运单打冠军!两人都拿出100分的本领球技,没有谁比谁更胜一筹,只有上天今日更加眷顾哪一个,是个世纪最精彩的对决。林丹这面金牌相对4年前的金牌,可说是得来不易!
在林丹激动呐喊的哪一刻,李宗伟心碎地瘫坐在地上深感无奈。无奈着察身而过的金牌梦,大马全民的希望和他自己本身个人大赛的金牌梦。的确,李宗伟今晚的表现是100 分,尽全力,最佳的状态,奈何他和林丹生活在同个时代,这是他的不幸。倘若他早一代,或晚一代,只要不遇到林丹,他就会是金牌得主。对于李宗伟未能圆梦夺金,我深感可惜。但对于他的表现,我给与万分的敬佩!大马的第一人,希望大马能培养更多像他一样的选手,一个谦虚,淡定,耐心的选手!

至于冠军林丹,首先要恭喜他卫冕成功,这份殊荣,骄傲,也是靠他自己的努力与实力去争取的,表现也是满满的100分。要长期让自己保持最佳状态,谈何容易?但是林丹却做到了这点。他不因自己取得一次胜利而摆高姿态,反而让自己保持这顶峰,不让自己跌下,退步。对我来说,他就像个最强到已经是没有进步空间的一个球员,和其他球员不同的是,在顶峰的他决不让自己轻易退下。许多人对于林丹的抨击如:过于高傲,太跩等, 但我认为他有资格去跩,他的霸气侧露是一定需要其强大的实力去支撑的。倘若他没实力没资格,他哪来的权力去称霸羽坛?所以林丹他,也是不容易。


凤凰网体育讯 北京时间8月5日20时(伦敦时间13时),伦敦温布利体育馆,本届奥运会羽毛球男子单打的决赛拉开战幕。林丹和李宗伟,这两位世界上羽毛球打得最好的男人在这里又一次展开了较量。
这不仅仅是一次代表着世界羽毛球男子单打的最高水平较量,也代表着一代人对羽毛球刻骨铭心的记忆—— 被目为一代羽毛球“四大天王”的林丹、李宗伟、陶菲克、盖德齐聚伦敦。陶菲克首轮被林丹斩落拍下,而盖德输给了中国小将谌龙。最终,站在决赛场上的依旧是李宗伟和林丹。他们战胜了伤病、低潮以及内心的彷徨,击退了一个又一个新生力量——仿佛跨越千山万水般,克服掉一个又一个艰难险阻。四年后,站在世界之巅的又是他们,仿佛古代剑客在赴一场早已约定好了的决斗。

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Breakfast in Kuching

Yeah, seriously missed the breakfast in kuching ..super duper badly. =(
I  used to go to breakfast with my buddies almost everyday during my previous days in Kuching
and thats also the reason why i get so FAT now. lol

Kuching really a nice place to visit
Even the leisure place is very limited..
But the nice foods are all around
Now i introduce part of the nice breakfast in Kch first

first station:
I not really sure about the place's name, it is like a hawker stalls
which selling ice kacang, rojak, bihun belacan,fried mee etc.
just show u the location of the place at jln Ang cheng ho (if not mistaken),
Right after MBKS building, just beside the primary school (三小)
This is our "main course" --- fried bihun, kueh teow, and mee (3 in 1)
See clearly, there are 3 type of noodles inside.

The side dish also the not so really tasty dish, named "Rojak"
I mean for me, their rojak not really nice, especially the sauce.
Maybe other places' one is nicer. BUT, can try lah! 

Station 2 : NEW Chuen Chiong Cafe
Another pretty nice place for breakfast.
There are various choices of foods available here
Chicken rice, popiah, toast (well known), dim sum, kampua, kolok mee, laksa (well known) etc

The tasty POPIAH --RM2.50
Not bad~ but i found yeow Kee's one nicer (more expensive).

Not only popiah, they also selling KOMPIAH ( RM0.80 each)
Not bad also. But i prefer Sibu's one. =D

Part of their Dim Sum
yum yum ... missed.. taste soso.

Their super famous with this: the 3 layer tea.
NICE! Many stars for this!
Their well-known Laksa Sarawak
Many people say very nice, but i think i can find a better one
However, this one is tasty enough!

The toasts..........
I like their toast... many kinds of different flavour, special and crunchy but soft inside
NICE! **** recommend

Station 3: Hi Bread
A western style breakfast station, with providing various kinds of healthy breads n buns
Hereby showing a model having her Burger..Tuna mayo
My cute one, Peggy Goh! So miss her now. =S

Another breakfast set here
Price RM 2.90 (bun, bake beans, ham, egg)

This is my favourite: Egg Mayo Burger
RM 2.90
Really worth since it really tasty and will feel really full after it. I miss it!

Station 4: Cheng Ji Beef house (陈记牛肉面)
 What to say? The BEST beef noodles in Town ever!
The beef noodles served in Taiwanese style, and it is super duper delicious!
I believe the beef soup had been cooked with herbs and cooked for hours
that why it taste so nice and tasty! ***** Recommend

One of our side dish, called the fried onion pancake
Not bad also, quite special one since other places will use green onion for pancake but somehow
here, the use the fried onion for this pancake
a goof try, i like this dish too. ** recommend

Here is me, excited with my tasty beef noodle
Yummy! This actually my brunch with Peggy.. 

Station 5 : Soon Fatt Cafe
Foo chow style cooking
This is  Cao Cai Hun Gan (糟菜粉干)
Quite nice ( actually i cant remember how it taste)
The one at 7th miles also not bad ( but i have no pics to show here)

The KOMPIAH of Soon Fatt
Taste like........kompia! haha

Station 6: The old Chuen Chiong Cafe
The old one located at center of Kuching near Padungan
While the New one located near airport, at jalan Green Height
Also, almost same as the new Chuen Chiong, here also provide various of food
Like, Popiah and some kuih-muih ( sorry for the lousy capturing angle/ skill)
somehow the kuih and popiah is really yummy~ 

Also the very well-known drinks ever : 3 layer tea
The new Chuen Chiong only have one size BUT
here got choice of original, medium, and large (3 sizes)
The very right one is medium size? ( Forget dy, hope fms answer me after saw this post)

Again, the cute one promoting her super tasty toast!
Nice toast in town! I started to miss it already

The famous one, laksa.
According to Peggy, her comment is, better than new Chuen Chiong's.
Still, taste good too.

 Station 7: Country of Fish (鱼之乡)
I randomly translate the name cause i only know their Chinese name of the shop. Lol
Specialize in producing the fish noodles.
The choices are, choose your preferable type of fish with the noodle
Fish lover Never miss this! *** Recommend~
This is my order last time
鱼头米粉 RM 7.90 ( little bit pricey but it worth)
The fish noodles cook with milk ( Thats why the soup look so milky)
Hey, it really taste great. and i felt myself so healthy to have this
Can felt the sweetness and freshness of the fish through the soup
So miss this dish too!

Another clearer view
Are these enough to attract you?

 Felt so hungry after dig out those pics and yet i miss Kch breakfast alot
There still got a lots nice breakfast places like 春园, 姚记(yeow Kee), 7th mile.. etc.
Just i have no pictures or photos to show up here.
Their food not bad! Can have a try!

Hope you guys enjoy reading this post! I really hungry now. =S
So.. so.. bad... blogging about food is suffering.. HAHA!
BUT i can only blog about food since i have no pretty face or body to post out here!  LOL
Maybe i will post something about nice food for lunch/ dinner/ desserts next time.
SO, keep stay tuned. =D

=== Disappear now, bye ya all ====