Friday, December 26, 2014

其实… … 如果……

其实 我想说,现在我不知道自己要表达什么…
其实 写到第十二个其实了,我依旧说不出个重点…

如果,那天我不再软弱 我的方向会去哪里呢?

可惜 没有如果


假如把犯得起的错 能错的都错过

那一场小风波 将一笑带过

在感情面前 讲什么自我
要得过且过 才好过

不该沉默时沉默 该勇敢时软弱
如果不是我 误会自己洒脱 让我们难过
可当初的你 和现在的我 假如重来过

把该说的话好好说 该体谅的不执著
如果那天我 不受情绪挑拨 你会怎么做
那么多如果 可能如果我
可惜没如果 只剩下结果(没有你和我)

如果早点了解 那率性的你
或者晚一点 遇上成熟的我



Monday, December 15, 2014

2014 年之工作篇

非常不甘愿去睡觉 一觉醒来是工作天 好累
话说 工作距离梦想更进一步
打从Paling 辞职后 并非没工作
是个admin + HR + 跑腿 总之全部包完的工作
待着待着… 我真的觉得 工作经验尚浅的我 不应该这样 虚度日子吧!
我应该要从工作上学东西 而不是自己要怎么办就怎么办
没错 那是个刚起步什么都没有的公司 
进去 什么都是自己去挖,自己开始
对的错的 糊里糊涂的 没人指导 错了也不晓得
然后什么GST 的又来找茬 
向来都不爱文职的我 真是坐到不耐烦
面对 刚刚做老板的老板  超级爱摆架子
(没办法人家刚当老板 很喜欢那种风)
不好意思 我偏偏厌恶这一类人 很不耐那个款
我们为公司业务着想 他只为他的面子想
于是 我们俩(一直都在相依为命的我们)决定辞职
另一半也是为了逃避所谓的GST 后带来的烂帐 无法想象收拾烂账的后果

刚巧不巧 那段时间遇到job fair,有五间公司参与 全都是samalaju 上的工地
我就在好友的鼓励下(他说他也要去申请的) 我就一同前去
到哪里,略略看过offer 的职位 与空缺 
就选了四间公司,填了各个公司很长又很啰嗦的表格,外加自己的履历表 submit 了

某家 说他们刚好没有我的空缺,说下次有空缺再联系我之类的 就打发我走
某家 说他们对我的academic background 有兴趣 
就丢我给他们的啥啥manager 跟我谈了几句 这家公司的工地还没正式建立
另外两家 随便大楷说几句门面话后 就嘻嘻的说 会再联系 
感觉都有机会被录取 但是屡次遭拒的我 并未抱太大的希望
感谢 ,带我去鼓励我并陪伴我的那位朋友!
你看了所有空缺却说对那些职位没兴趣 然后就这样等我填表格+交履历表,等了很久  灰常不好意素叻!

再不久后 就在古晋姐妹们聚餐为我庆生时 收到A家公司要我去面试的通知
然后我就在我飞回民嘟噜 后 毫无准备的面试去 没有压力地完成面试
当然 没有抱希望,只有顺其自然

结果A给了我offer 我说需要时间考虑
或许这些都太突然 我无法立刻做出决定

再不久后 B家也打来 叫我去面试
虽然有A 家的offer 但是也想知道B 家的offer 如何
结果 是个年轻人面试我,友善搞笑的谈话后 (当然有正经的谈论工作细节)
其实是见了面试人 才知道是有见过面的有缘人 所以才能聊得轻松点
不久后 B家也给了我类似的offer

挣扎 + B家朋友洗脑 + 慎重的筛选

     唯有全力以赴 梦想才会起飞

刚刚步入新工作的我 虽然会失去很多 
我做Paling & after Paling 的工时 我就知道我不会做久 
我放弃了很多 包括我舍不得的补习班 

其实2014 我很知足的说 对我还不错
至少在诸多灾难的年份 我的家人朋友依旧安全在身边 
至少在这一年 我离理想更近一步 虽然那只是我其中一部分奢侈的梦 
或许那天我会觉得 至少我做过了,体验过了,没有遗憾了
这一年 我依然健康地呼吸着 踏实地踩着大地
2014 年 我视野更宽阔,行过法国,英国,意大利,文莱,泰国 这几个国家
2014 年和闺蜜们 完成了姐妹特辑 …
2014 年…… 粉刷了房间 给家里添置沙发…

今日,15th Dec
再过15日就 2015 惹
2014 年间 最有意义莫过于到了欧洲一趟
夸张来说 可以形容这辈子真是死无遗憾
目标是西班牙,荷兰,瑞士,雅典 等地 

总有个小浪人居住在我心中 那个爱流浪不爱定下来的我…

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Nonsense by ME

Congratulation to Ariel Lin aka Lin Yi Chen for her graduation in Master
A very humble & hardworking celebrity who very different from other celebrities
at least for me, she is.

Everyone has their own life goal to achieve. So do i.
I want treat her as my role model.
Success in career, and then further study also. 

I'm not sure i can make it or not, all just my thought at this moment
Super envy her life, She owned an awesome 2014
engagement + graduation + succeed in her career 
= A very successful woman
May god lead her life with full of happiness 



#每一次的体验 往往得到比失去来得多, 这就是收获;

某位大哥告诉我说 :
想去旅行要带着一家四口又是一笔大消费。 我应该看够了这世界才成家的。

相反,如果成家立业是你想要的生活,那就好好享受 好好做个有担当的人吧!

不是人家说结婚该这样办 你就这样办
许多低调的婚礼主角 都幸福的生活了
有着选择旅行结婚 有着选择简单仪式就成了夫妻
有着不是挑剔 而是为要遇见真正对的人
有着不是不婚 而是为要遇见能托付一生之人

即使 年过三十,迂腐思想的人们都称你为剩女时,这样的时段你就更能遇见一个真心不嫌弃你样子老,下垂的皮肤,满脸的细纹; 却依旧用心呵护你的对象
所以这年头 好多年过三十的艺人们都嫁了


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Little things about me recently....

Currently kinda into with photobook program...
But the software is just a bit .. Erm not! 
Is very very lag and sometime it corrupted without reasons!

So to ease my upload task
I going to use my iPad to download nice photos and create the photo page
Still very lag but what to do. Keep refresh only...
Past two days just realized got these cute old photos!
Why I never know these pics
(Cox those pics never tag me in) 
Haha.. At least I found myself quite cute here.
Just make them into memorable moments.

Other than that.
Currently just very interested with Taiwan fashion brand, PAZZO
These are my spending-战利品
Superb in love so I decided to share here

My second purchase, bought a lot coz they raised up great offer at 50% discount! 
Okay, I admitted I am an ordinary girl here.
Which girl won't get crazy about the SALE?
My first purchase is the dress I wore in pic below:
Blurred me. Purchased at original price. Luckily it did not went into sale category, or else I will be very "tiam"

Okay, let's see my second purchase.
This one..

Dont get shocked with the pics ya.
Tadaa, twins me. We purposely bought the same piece
Or can say is she 催逼我买的!
Caused she is the one help to purchase online and said it worth to buy so ask me fast fast decide.
So I decided to get it. The dress look nice on us right. 
My size is S & hers is M 
Luckily I still can handle size S! LoL
Price : below RM 40 

Top is my favorite color also same pattern with my first purchased dress la
With pazzo, P alphabet there. 
Very comfy to wear, casual wear suit me more. 
Size : S  price: below Rm 30 (after delivery fee)

Shorts picture from the website is like this : very casual wear

The shorts ,at first glance I tot I can't fit it. 
After tried, I found it fit well on me even better than my expectation. 
Kinda surprise, cox the cutting used to hide my fat body off. Wtf.
Size : S   Price : below RM 30 (after delivery fee)

Next, this top look good on the model

While on me.... Kind of look like this
 Big size top to cover my fatness too. Acceptable nice. Pretty love the design
 It is better to choose smaller size on big size top.
Size : S  price: below Rm 30 

Nah, I put high expectation on this pair of jeans. 
But I need to slim down abit to handle it.
S size too, cox during purchasing there is no other size available. 
Nge nge want buy cox it cost only RM 4x
Forty something including delivery fee.
If size M is better for me. T T 

Their webpage pic for the jeans pants! 
Nice hor... If I am slim like that too.. Haiz

Heart itching when view their webpage
All my taste piece.
But the delivery is so complicated 
Only can seek my friend & combine order with her to purchase together

Kindly visit for their pretty nice pieces!
Window shopping also will do. OK.

A cutie pie's pic to end this post. 
I wonder what will be the contain of my next post.
No idea which to go first. Depends my mood la.

Happy December to you all
Do you smell Christmas is in the air?

Sunday, November 16, 2014

My birthday-November

November, my month and I doing fine within this month.
Got my birthday celebration with lots of friends thank you very much =)
I am blessed and lucky girl! 

Got overall 6 cakes this year
Here's the cakes entry: 

First already mentioned in previous entry 
With my best unimates ever in kuching! 
Red velvet cake slice not bad. 

Second, from my beloved family
The very usual sponge cream cake.
Appreciate so much! 

Third, the special made cake from le bffs!
Very surprised to see this. Laugh hard.

Fourth, my request to bffs to place the candle in the middle of pizza.
Make it another special cake for me. 

Fifth, special handmade green tea cheese cake from the vendor.
This is from office staff and colleagues! 

This one, the last one from my ex colleague! Erm... Thank you if u read this!
Even though we always sengaja argue 

Here is the celebrations;
Very first had already post in previous entry
Anyway more pics here.
My uni mates are all pretty as always! 
I really love them all, even though we are far apart, our hearts always close to each other.  =D 
Never forget Shirleen also our member as well.

When it reach the suitable time I will like to post another entry regarding our photoshooting session in last May! 
Isn't interesting!? LoL

2nd celebration..
Venue: very sweet home
With my fav mom-cook dishes here
Tradision mee sua aka long life noodle
Simple yet warmest one!
From here u can see how tiny the cake is!
( no one very into with cake or dessert stuffs actually in my family)
So the small cake is ok for me! Quite a surprise that my mom will buy the cake..
Normally the nice dishes is more than enough! Love you ya.. 

Mee sua, chicken drumstick, egg! That's enough for me. Appreciated!

My sis found the cake was interesting? 
She can't wait to eat the cake actually.. 

3rd celebration: venue- unique cafe
With le bffs!

I only can hahaha to the cake they showed me!

Very special n I like it! 
Friends more than 10 years & we still keep In touch talk non-stop 
Have much fun together! Appreciate our friendship! 
Never forget another one-Amy
And our new member CT Ling

So I edited the pic to make it complete 
We finally reunion ! 
They said the girl is me so I hold it and selfie! 
She is holding the racket there!
This pizza is one of our meal that night
I requested to recycle the candle n make it another special cake for me. 
LoL yea. I like something special ma..

4th celebration:
In the morning received very own gift to myself on the right time
My hard work photobook also my travel book
I designed it for a long time. And it arrived at a right time! 
Love my gift so much!!

Love my design on this page the most
My very first photobook and there will be more to go.. 

In the afternoon 
Le office staffs standby and give me a surprise as well
But abit fail coz I failed their surprise plan. LoL
But it's ok. I got the nice cake again, green again!
My fav colleague and she is very pretty yet humble person!
And she very generous and won't calculative one! Very nice in person.
Very happy to know her as well.

5th celebration
My very nice ex-colleagues!
Hey hey hey! Even though we no more work together no more colleagues 
But we are great friends who always support each other teasing each other 
And we are gang Paling restaurant who always share funny topics and funny pictures 
U guys are the happy pills for me to release tension as well.
The girls always do something sweet & make me touching. Love u my girls
(even though u girls might not read this)

We got too much topics to chat off, not much photo taken. 
These are pics I managed to take with.

Presents I get;
Iphone 6 from my beloved dad
Erm.. He actually passed me the money and ask me save them for latest iPhone since months ago, 
(Suddenly got $$ and u sure know where his $$ from ya)**
And now latest iPhone had launched, money go for the phone
Very first phone from dad! Love him very much.

From ex colleagues, Elly, Tyna, miss lee & Louise
I love the tiny parfum ! Thanks!
I love the little Eiffel Tower too!

My angpao from my second sis and her husband! 
=D Imma a happy girl

This bag of pretty dress + cloth from pretty current colleague!
See how generous she is!omG
Until I feel like 亏欠/惭愧!=D

I got one more to be claim from RUTH!
My dear RUTH.... Even though we less contact n less meet up now
My heart always got u ya.. (撒花-ing) 
So only after I receive the gift I update here again. LoL 

In summary:
I am lucky girl.
Thanks for the cakes, the treats, the meals, the gifts from you all
I am very happy to have you guys as friends, as sisters, as bffs, as colleagues!
Appreciated our relationship as well 
Perhaps our true-friendship will last long forever 

(bowing) (鞠躬Ing)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

1st Nov Kuching trip

But first let me say Hi to my November
This is my first November 2014 post
It gonna be in English language 
Wtf? LOL ... 

This is the post regarding my Kuching trip during last weekend.
It's very rushing trip for me
However, I get used with such packed lifestyle so just ok with it
Due to my working hour and I ngiau ji don wanna waste my leave
So I decided to choose my flight time depart to Kuching at 5.40pm. 
That's mean I need to rush to airport after work! Well, that's sound fun.

On my way to airport.............
A summon grabbed! For over speeding! Shit. 
Saw the "camera police" just hold his "very profesional" camera over there. 
***** I am not da driver *****
***** I alway follow the law *****

KUCHING- a place where I call it as my second home
I get used to visit every parts every corners of it 
(include some shortcuts I used to go to avoid critical traffic jam) ** proud of **
so almost, well I mean almost only... The maps of Kuching already saved in my memory. =P 

After two years of leaving my uni life in Kuching, I am about feeling strange with it.
But luckily I still have quite a lot of chances to catch up some changes in Kuching

Once landed in Kuching, always my host, Miss Winnie brought me to ChEf At Home.
A dining place where I love since years ago
Was Operated from home style restaurant in housing area Hui Sing garden 
until now they'had owned their Shoplot near Sarberkas there.
Food still yummy as always!
Okie this is the cheaty pic from samsung note 4 again. Selfie level only 3 okay!
Not yet reach the highest one so don't gik dong say I cheat u har... 
At least I got admit here it's selfie function which did the cheat case! Haha!

New in menu. Avocado prawn salad!
Avocado slices is nice, prawn is just tasteless, have to whip into the sauce and mix it 

Still, my favourite mushroom soup in bun!
Always favourite!

After that we're home and get ready for Halloween party! 
If not mistaken this is my very first Halloween party! 
Venue : The junk Kuching 
Not the first time visit the junk, 
but previously I just went there for dinner only leh.. 

Very nice deco as well. With lots of bats And flurry spiders.... 

So this is vintage style with lots spider webs as decoration!  ** not bad **

Webs everywhere. Watch out! Don't get trapped ya!

And I'm coming here for Halloween party!

With the host of the party. 

There goes some sort of competition and he is the first winner for special costume for Halloween party! Clap clap

2nd winner goes to this cute girl with Annabelle make up for the Halloween party!

3rd one goes to this mysterious witch!

Erm... Cute animal costume! He is just so brave ka wear like this..

Last one is the guy as a vampire sucking blood there.
Every winners get a free wine there! 
Okay... I'm having great night with new friend Nancy, the crazy gal Winnie , the sweet couple Pauline & Alfred  

The next day.....
Wake up late and ready to meet up with ma babies
Imma still a little bit drunking me.

See who is the one reserved the seats!

See where we having our great gathering?
No doubt, cafe cafe... The cafe I dislike to go in sibu lor... 
But this one in kuching one.. Is pretty good so far. I mean the phenomenon over there...
The food... Okay.. Rate it 6.5/10. Cox the food still abit disgusting after u eat too much.

Nah.. Honestly this is what I already predicted before heading to gathering la.. Haha. I know u gals well. Hmm

The huge yes, I mean huge pineapple fried rice! 
I think it can serves 4-5 pax! But seriously this is only the size!

Group photo is a must in such important meet up. The background is nice the models are just too pretty! Haha

Credited to Therry for the nice pic! I love it lots. 

Another photo section outside the shop.
No doubt, the background is just too artistic! Should get use of it!

At about one in the afternoon, I follow Winnie & her friends to Buntal,
a kampung near Damai which is well known of their freshness of seafood there. 
Pic - passby the santubong hill! 
Well, my memories back to damai beach with babies was back during that time..
I miss those moments we spend together , swim in the damai pool, enjoy the beach scene... Etc.
when we can have such trip again? 
-Question with no answer -

This is the village. We reached!

Love to see such old + tradition house/shop EH! 很有亲切感!
Cox I used to stay in such houses during my childhood time in my grandma's kampung - DARO! 

On the way to seafood cafe, we will passby this view... So..nice de Village view. 

One of the famous seafood kopitiam over there. But! I am not going to this one. 

Nah this is the one we head for nice seafood! Ah Soh Buntal Seafood!

While waiting for food... Enjoy the relaxing view....
This seafood restaurant operated by a family.
Father as waiter order food and clean table
Mother as the cook in kitchen
Son as helper in kitchen
So they actually very busy and may not serve you well 
In order to have the nice food all u need is patient! Waiting food might take a long time.. 
That why they decided to come here at 2 o'clock. 
Better don't come at 5 something like dinner time. You might really wait for long time for food. 

The smell so amazingly nice.. 
BbQ chicken taste really great. 
Just place on table direct kena cut off. 
Well that's why not much food picture 
can post here. 
You know lah.. Follow people tumpang makan I paiseh take pic also. 
*Cox ppl very hungry wan eat already...

Our last dish, The salt egg with lobsters!
Hey is lobster not big head prawn ya.
How can be so nice...
They reserved the dishes earlier dy.. Never know got lobster.
Okay, as predicted, I do put on some weight after the trip! Shit...

After meal, we got really long & relaxing conversation there until 4 something..
And then arrived kuching town at about 5pm & we did some shopping at the spring
Visited newly opened & launched H&M and Sephora
Can see slightly improvement & upgrade of the Spring management. 
Even though it is not newly open mall in kuching, but they maintain it well.
Reallocate and replace the shoplots with more famous brands out there 
Appropriate renovation at food court. I just like their food court!
Very crowd and nice food serve there
The concept just like the one at Pavilion KL
Well organized eh. Nice management. Salute. 

Having late dinner and we shop till 9 over there. 
After that home rest awhile then being called for yumcha session.
Next day morning flight back home..

Having great + pack time routine and nice to meet new friends this time.

Looking forward next visit again.. Haha!